
Welcome to my AS foundation portfolio. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my foundation portfolio.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3

There are many stages within a films production and release:

  1. Beginning the process is pre-production. This is where a basic idea is nurtured and developed and a storyboard is eventually created ready to be put into action.
  2. Next is production. This is where a film is actually filmed and the storyboard is used to order the shots correctly. 
  3. After is the post-production process in which the stock footage is edited, altered and effects/sounds are added to create the final product.
  4. The next step is advertisement and distribution. This is where the product is promoted and a distribution company will be used to distribute the product either nationally or internationally.

A distribution company generally supplies copies to both cinemas and stores thus getting it on the market and can begin to make profit.

PolyGram Distribution, which is now a part of Universal, distributes similar products to mine. The likes of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barells and The Usual Suspects are both films distributed by PolyGram and have a very similar genre to mine. I feel PolyGram would be a good company to distribute my product as theyt have knowledge in the area of my genre however my film isn't too much similar to all the other films they distribute therefore it would be placing a fresh, new film to a, not necassarliy mainstream but profitable and popular crowd, such as the audiences for the previous films mentioned.

For both distribution and advertisement, there are many methods, with the emergence of the Web 2.0 etc, in which i could get my film noticed and sold. I feel the best methods of promotion for a society who are very much technology based has to be something 'viral' in which a lot of people will see it. This can be either a viral video or possibly guerilla marketing (the things that get most noticed). Also, as for distribution, downloads are the key to profit with today's consumers and possibly special edition packs in which certain bonuses are given within a physical copy could be profitable.

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